Resultados: 4

Treatment patterns of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in Brazil: experts’ perspective

Background: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL) is a curable type of cancer, with a wide variety of therapies, especially for refractory/relapsing cases. Therefore, the study aims to explore the treatment patterns used in the management of HL patients in Brazil. Methods: A survey was developed to explore the treat...

Hodgkin’s lymphoma unmet medical needs in Brazil: experts’ perspective

Background: In 2016, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL) was responsible for 2,470 new cases in Brazil and, despite recent scientific advances, there are unmet medical needs that affects patients’ outcome. Therefore, we aimed to explore the unmet medical needs in the management of HL patients in Brazil, based on...

New treatment approaches for relapsing/refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma: An overview of the Brazilian scenario

Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) is a B-cell malignancy with a classical bimodal distribution with incidence peaking in the third and sixth decades of life. The purpose of this review is to describe the current unmet medical need for relapsing/refractory HL and the main data of emerging treatments, including br...

Avaliação do perfil dos pacientes e da transferência de recursos federais para o tratamento hospitalar do linfoma de Hodgkin na rede de assistência oncológica de Pernambuco

O Linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) é uma neoplasia do sistema linfático que pode ocorrer em qualquer faixa etária, sendo mais comum em jovens com idades entre 25 e 30 anos, sexo masculino e etnia caucasiana. Para o Brasil, a estimativa de LH para cada ano do biênio 2018- 2019 é de 1.480 casos novos em homens...


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