CES - Collège des Economistes de la Santé


The Collège des Economistes de la Santé was created in 1989 for intervening in the field of health, to apply concepts and tools in order to clarify in a certain manner the decisions. The CES is gathering more than 220 French Health Economists and 50 public and private organisations. The purpose of the College is this: to promote search and training in Health Economics; to make known the data available near the researchers; to facilitate the access to these data available and to promote the research orientations near the two sides of industry; to share, for its rational use and for information of all, a documentation as complete as possible, in particular comprising the results of work, search and the experiment of each one; to promote the cooperation between researchers, health professionals, administrations, organizations, communities and other actors of health sector, by exchanges of views, scientific workshops, adapted conferences, training courses and trips study, publications, update, improvement and the broadest diffusion of work undertaken; to ensure the representation of Health Economists in Consultative Committees, commissions and working groups or the medias, the reviews and editors.

Originador(es): CES - Collège des Economistes de la Santé
Recurso adicionado em: 15/01/2007
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês, Francês
16672, 16672
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