Society for Medical Decision Making — SMDM

SMDM and are pleased to make available online the summary abstracts for articles published in the last two volumes of Medical Decision Making. Those articles in Medical Decision Making are grouped by topical rotating departments: Health Economics; Clinical Applications; Decision Psychology, Risk, and Uncertainty; Patient Preferences and Utility Assessment; and Methodology.SMDM advance the scientific basis of the field by holding scholarly meetings, offering courses, publishing a highly ranked peer-reviewed journal, and providing information through the Society's website.This Web Site provide a forum and professional home for our members where they can benefit from support and feedback from peers and be inspired and energized by the peer interaction.

Originador(es): Society for Medical Decision Making — SMDM
Recurso adicionado em: 15/03/2007
Objetivo: The Society for Medical Decision Making's objetive is to improve health outcomes through the advancement of proactive systematic approaches to clinical decision making and policy-formation in health care by providing a scholarly forum that connects and educates researchers, providers, policy-makers, and the public.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Tomada de Decisões, 16672, Alocação de Recursos, Técnicas de Apoio para a Decisão, Risco, Medição de Risco
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