Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - AIHW

The Institute produces authoritative and comprehensive publications about key health and welfare issues in Australia. In addition to Australia's Health and Australia's Welfare (our biennial reports to Parliament on the nation's health and welfare services), it produce over 100 reports and working papers per year. The information is used by policy makers, academics, students and the general public and covers the many subjects.

Originador(es): Australia. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - AIHW
Recurso adicionado em: 16/03/2007
Objetivo: The AIHW provide statistical information that governments and the community can use to promote discussion and make decisions on health, housing and community services. In particular:- collect and analyse statistics and information (on our own or with others);- develop methodologies for designing and analysing statistical collections;- assess the provision, use, cost and effectiveness of health, housing and community services;- help others to identify and define their information needs;- develop national statistical standards and classifications; and- promote rationalisation of health, housing and community services information activity across national agencies.
Idiomas disponíveis: Alemão, Inglês
28599, Estatísticas de Assistência Médica, Interpretação Estatística de Dados, 29161, Estatísticas de Serviços de Saúde, Epidemiologia Analítica, Seguridade Social, 28576
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